As many Racing Puma owners will know the remaining specific Racing Puma 909 and 908 parts are becoming very hard to find or source. As a group we are looking to start offering parts from our own parts store these will include NOS (New old stock) genuine Ford Racing parts as well as re-manufactured parts that we have sourced directly from the original equipment manufacturer. We hope this will help to keep our cars on the roads for the foreseeable future.
Below is a list of all the brake system parts we have available, we hope to add to this parts list over time.
If you wish to purchase or make an enquiry please CLICK HERE and fill in our enquiry form.

Hardline Brake Pipe Full Car Set Front and Rear - Price: £149.00
These are new production parts, produced by Goodridge who are an OE brake pipe provider. Produced using form bending by Goodridge from a set of original Ford hard brake pipe lines. They are produced from the same OE steel material pipe with plated ends and unions. They are also finish in the OE Ford Olive green paint so are a perfect match to the original.
This set is for the full car and comprises of- drivers side front from ABS unit, passenger side front from ABS unit, drivers side rear from exhaust tunnel, passenger side rear from exhaust tunnel.

9097834 Front Flexi Brake Line Hose Kit - Price: £70.00
These are new production parts, produced by Goodridge who were the OE part provider to Ford. Produced from the original Ford drawings and specification. Provided as a pair (DS & PS) with fitting unions and copper sealing rings.

9098792 Rear Brake Line Hose Kit Post Recall - Price: £135.00
The rear brake lines are specific to the Racing Puma. Originally the rear flexible brake line was one single piece but it was found that it rubbed on the rear axle subframe and could cause a leak. Ford Racing issued a recall on all cars and changed the flexible rear brake lines to a part flexi - part rigid pipe that kept the brake lines away from the rear axle thus solving the problem. Not all Ford Racing Pumas received the rear brake line recall work.
These are new production parts, produced by Goodridge who were the OE part provider to Ford. Produced from the original Ford drawings and specification. Provided as a pair (DS & PS) with fitting clips to asfix to the rear arch.

9098446 Alcon Caliper Seal Kit - Price: £75.00
The Alcon Motorsport derived caliper and brake system used on the Ford Racing Puma are a 4 piston caliper, seal kits are used to refresh or refurbish the brake calipers when required. The seal kits were sold in single caliper form so included 2 x Seals for the 38mm pistons and 2 x Seals for the 41mm pistons.
Genuine new Alcon seals priced per caliper.

9098448 Alcon Front Caliper Piston - 41mm - Price: £45.00
The Alcon calipers used a 4 piston system, each caliper uses 2 x 38mm and 2 x 41mm pistons, as with all brakes the pistons and seals are replaceable service items. Pistons are known to stick due to the lack of brake dust seals on the calipers which leads to pitting in the piston.
Genuine NOS Ford / Alcon part. Price is per 41mm piston.

9098447 Alcon Front Caliper Piston - 38mm - Price: £45.00
The Alcon calipers used a 4 piston system, each caliper uses 2 x 38mm and 2 x 41mm pistons, as with all brakes the pistons and seals are replaceable service items. Pistons are known to stick due to the lack of brake dust seals on the calipers which leads to pitting in the piston.
Genuine NOS Ford / Alcon part. Price is per 38mm piston.
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