As many Racing Puma owners will know the remaining specific Racing Puma 909 and 908 parts are becoming very hard to find or source. As a group we are looking to start offering parts from our own parts store these will include NOS (New old stock) genuine Ford Racing parts as well as re-manufactured parts that we have sourced directly from the original equipment manufacturer. We hope this will help to keep our cars on the roads for the foreseeable future.
Below is a list of all the front drivetrain parts we have available, we hope to add to this parts list over time.
If you wish to purchase or make an enquiry please CLICK HERE and fill in our enquiry form.

9087904 Right Hand Knuckle Joint - Price: £250.00
Specific to the FRP these differed from standard Puma / Fiesta parts as they have a wider suspension mounting and different angle to allow for the wider front track of the Racing Puma. The bearing was also uprated from the standard Ford Puma / Fiesta item to a Ford Focus (Ex. RS model) bearing.
These are genuine NOS Ford parts, when our genuine stock depletes we are looking to have new items machined and we will update this listing.

9087903 Left Hand Knuckle Joint - Price: POA
Specific to the FRP these differed from standard Puma / Fiesta parts as they have a wider suspension mounting and different angle to allow for the wider front track of the Racing Puma. The bearing was also uprated from the standard Ford Puma / Fiesta item to a Ford Focus (Ex. RS model) bearing.
These are a re-manufactured part produced using a standard Ford Puma / Fiesta Mk4/5 knuckle joint which has been machined to accept the wider diameter Eiback strut and strut angle. The knuckle joint has been shot blasted and powercoated and is supplied with a new genuine Ford wheel bearing and re-manufactured hub.

9087943 Right Hand Drive shaft - Price: £150.00
Specific to the FRP due to its wider front track; the right hand drive shaft also known as the 'short shaft' or 'blue shaft' is longer than a standard Ford Puma or Fiesta part. The right hand drive shaft is blue in colour, most likely to avoid errors when the cars were being built.
Genuine NOS Ford part.

9087844 Left Hand Drive shaft - Price: £150.00
Specific to the FRP due to its wider front track; the left hand drive shaft is coloured black so as not to be confused with the right hand drive shaft (which is coloured blue).
Genuine NOS Ford part.
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